Welcome to Carroll Class
Our teacher is Mrs White and our Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Jackson
Throughout the year, we cover a range of topics that make learning fun and exciting. We encourage children to investigate their questions about these topics and build this into their learning.
The topics that we will cover this year are:
Autumn 1 – Stone Age
Autumn 2 – Amazing Asia
Spring – Extreme Earth
Summer 1 – Rainforest
Summer 2 – Plastic Pollution

Homework will be set on Seesaw on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. Children can attend homework club if they are unable to complete their homework at home.
Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit for PE days. Information regarding jewellery and hair can be found in the Uniform Policy on the school website.
Reading and Phonics
Children are encouraged to choose their own books in Year 3, but it is essential for adults to read regularly with their child for the children to access texts that they may be unable to read for themselves. The understanding of books is critical as children will be asked to discuss their reading and new vocabulary regularly in class.
Phonics is continued throughout Year 3 and children are encouraged to use their phonic knowledge to support their reading of unknown words.

Times Tables
Children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables as well as their 1, 2, 5 and 10 by the end of Year 3. Children have the opportunity to practise these weekly in class and to get quicker at their recall of multiplication facts.
Any support at home to practise these multiplication facts is greatly appreciated. There are some great songs on YouTube to help your child learn their times tables if the rote method is not working for them.
The focus on spelling continues in Year 3, with children being encouraged to use their phonics to sound out words independently. Children will practise their spellings daily in class, either via handwriting sessions for exception words or explicit teaching of spelling rules during English lessons.
The words that the children need to know by the end of Year 3 are in the middle of their reading records if this is something you wish to look at or support your child with.
How to help your child at home
Read to and with your child. Encourage them to pick a range of books, including some that challenge their vocabulary. Discuss the text with them to improve their comprehension.
Practise times tables with your child. 3, 4 and 8 times tables especially, but also recap the 1, 2, 5 and 10 sometimes. Children can also access Times Table Rockstars to support the recall of these facts. Multiplication underpins so much of the mathematics curriculum – it is an essential skill as your child progresses through the school.

Thank you for your continued support, and please feel free to contact me if you require any further information or support – no question is too small.
Mrs White