Induction programme 2024
All about Rosen Class
Our teacher is Miss Whiteman and our Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Angell-Lines.
Throughout the year we cover a range of topics making learning fun, stimulating and exciting. We aim to promote children’s independence and develop a thirst for knowledge.
The topics that we will cover this year are:
- Autumn 1 – Ourselves & Change linked to Autumn
- Autumn 2 – Up In the Air
- Spring 1 – Far, far away
- Spring 2 – Watery Worlds
- Summer 1 and 2 – The Great Outdoors.
Welcome to Rosen Class
PE Days
Our PE days will be on a Wednesday. However, we will advise you via Tapestry when these will start.
On PE days earrings need to be removed and long hair should be tied up.
Rewards and Certificates
All the children have been placed into school house teams: Keats (Red); Shakespeare (Green); Shelley (Blue) and Wordsworth (Yellow). Your child’s book wallet is the colour of the team your child is in. Every week your child can win house points for their team. Throughout the year, your child will also participate in inter-house competitions and events. House points are awarded to the children for: following the school rules, displaying good manners and trying their best.
As well as team points, the children can earn special ‘Green Cards’. For every 10 cards they earn, your child will receive a special certificate in assembly. The certificates they can earn are bronze, silver, gold, platinum and super platinum. Children are awarded green cards for their exceptional work and effort.
Reading and Phonics
Reading books will be changed once a week if a comment has been made in the reading record by a parent that the book has been read. Phonics will be assessed and updated regularly by your class teacher and LSA.
The children will receive their reading books and phonic cards once they have started at school full time.
What can parents do?
It is important that we work together to get the best out of your child. If we work as a team, we can ensure that your child receives the best education they deserve. If you ever have any questions or queries please come and talk to us! No question or query is too small or silly.
Tapestry is our communication portal for home and school learning. Please engage with Tapestry and speak with your child about what they have been learning at school. Each week we will set a challenge for your child to complete at home and they will be able to share this with the class.
How to help your child at home
- Enjoy books with your child, read to them and encourage your child to look for familiar sight words and phonemes in the text;
- Role play writing – write shopping lists together, write silly recipes, cards and labels;
- Practise letter sounds and sight words quickly and frequently – look for the words and letters all around you.
- Maths games – let your child handle money, lay the table out together, dice games and dominoes. In Class R we use a resource called Numicon. The Numicon website has some very useful resources and guidance for parents.
Please encourage your child but do not push them too hard. Remember that they work extremely hard all day at school. I am sure your children will have a fantastic time in our reception class. Our motto is: ‘I will try my best and have fun’.
Supporting your child with phonics
At Home Farm we use the Jolly Phonics progression of synthetic phonic teaching, utilising the two key skills of blending and segmentation, and designed to help to teach children to read and spell with phonics.
You can find more information and some practical help in this information leaflet.
Below, you can also download copies of the phonic recognition cards, decodable words and tricky words that are taught in EYFS and Class 1 and recorded in the children’s phonics books.
You can also find useful guidance on the Oxford Owl website.