We are very proud to have an Eco Schools Green Flag Award here at Home Farm. Our Eco Council meets regularly to consider ways of ensuring that our school makes good use of resources and to take forward plans and activities. You can read our Green Flag action plan below. In November 2018 we were very pleased to be awarded the Green Flag award for the third time.
About the Eco Council
The Eco-Council helps the school by making everyone aware of how we can save energy at Home Farm. We ask our class, what they would like to do to save energy and then when we meet, we put our ideas forward and discuss projects that we can do in the future.
We also monitor the school’s energy out put by completing a weekly audit. We look at how much energy is being used by checking if lights are switched off, doors are closed to conserve heating and if electrical items are being used appropriately. We then tally up the schools and the eco award is presented to the class who has been the most environmentally friendly.
Lots of great projects have been completed in the past, such as:
- Solar panels which are saving us a lot of money
- compost bins in the garden area, so that we could compost the waste from the kitchen
- classes taking part in outdoor learning to learn more about the world and our environment
Projects we would like to think about for the future are:
- joining in with ‘Switch off Fortnight’
- den building
- crisp packet recycling
If you have any ideas for the eco-council, please put them in the suggestion folder on the eco-council board.
Thank you