Rossetti Class (Year 5)

Welcome to Rossetti Class

Our teacher is Miss Darvill and our Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Hill.

IIn Year 5, we are often called upon for extra roles and responsibilities in school, being in upper KS2, especially when Year 6 isn’t around!  We have library monitors, who work very hard to support Miss Knightsbridge in taking care of the library, as well as Play Leaders, who work with Miss Lamb to be role models to younger children and encourage cooperative play. As Year 5 pupils, we also have the exciting opportunity to run the tuck shop!  This takes place during break times on a Tuesday and Thursday.  The children will all take turns at helping the school to eat healthily throughout the year.

In Year 5, the children will also vote for their Eco-Council and School Council representatives.  Towards the end of the year, they then have the opportunity to put themselves forward for Senior prefect!

Topic areas

This year we will be learning all about:

Autumn 1         Space – to Infinity and beyond!

Autumn 2         Robotics

Spring 1           Biomes and Rainforests

Spring 2           The Maya Civilization

Summer 1        Victorian Britain

Summer 2        The Unsinkable Titanic

Learning at home

In class 5, you can support your child’s learning by:  

  • Practising daily reading and comprehension skills; this could be discussing the text, looking at the layout and features relating to that particular genre or just sharing a good book. Asking children questions about the book is extremely important for developing a deeper knowledge of what they are reading.  Please note this in their reading record so that we can support and monitor your child.
  • Keeping on top of the times tables!  These facts underpin so many areas of maths and, once they are mastered, can they be recalled in any order and at speed? Children can access different times table activities on Times Table Rockstars.


Homework will be set on Seesaw.  This will be sent out on a Friday and then we ask for it to be handed in by the following Wednesday. We discuss all homework in class.


Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school for PE days. Information regarding hair and jewellery can be found by looking at the Uniform Policy on the school website.

Thank you for your continued support and please contact us if you require any further information.

Miss Darvill