Welcome to Kipling Class
Our class teachers are Mrs Arnold and Mrs Crawley and our Learning Support Assistant is Mr Mooney.
Year 6 provides a challenging final year in primary school for our eldest children aimed at preparing them for their transition to their chosen secondary school. Expectations are very high in all aspects of school life as the children are exemplar role models: setting the highest standards of behaviour, attitude, responsibility and academic ability for the rest of the school to follow. In order to promote the student’s status as role models, they will wear the prestigious black tie with red stripes.
This year, we are able to once again embrace our tradition of a Buddy System whereby our Year 6 children will have the opportunity to spend time with their Reception buddies: sharing stories; playing games; and carrying out art and craft activities together, encouraging our youngest children to develop their reading, speaking and listening skills and social skills.
House Captains are elected democratically, and our elected Year 6 children will be responsible for leading the houses and totalling weekly house points which have been awarded across the school. There are many other responsibilities delegated to our Year 6 children throughout the year which help the school to run smoothly.
Learning at Home
In Year 6, you can support your child by:
- Practising and encouraging daily reading, helping your child to select text from a range of different genres and responding to their reading both orally and through meaningful written responses in their Reading Record books.
- Reading aloud to your child regularly to promote reading for pleasure as well as modelling intonation and expression.
- Keeping on top of times tables: knowing multiplication facts and related division facts up to and including 12 x 12. as well as the inverse such as 121 ÷ 11 = 11
- Encouraging independence in tasks at home as well as preparing themselves for school each day including checking they have all the equipment they need.
- Practising the words on the statutory Year 5 and 6 spelling list which can be found in your child’s Reading Record book
- Helping them to recognise and recall square numbers as well as the first 10 prime numbers (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29)
You can find the Year 6 full curriculum map, showing you the topics we cover and when, on the school website. This is a working document and subject to change throughout the year.
Weekly homework will be set on Fridays on Seesaw and will be due in the following Wednesday. Please check over your child’s homework before uploading it.
Both Kipling class and McGough class will have PE on Tuesdays. Information regarding hair and jewellery can be found by looking at the Uniform Policy on the school website.
Mrs Arnold and Mrs Crawley