It is our policy that all children should wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours.
Our policy is based on the notion that a school uniform:
- promotes a sense of pride in the school;
- engenders a feeling of community and belonging
- is practical and smart;
- identifies the children with the school;
- is not distracting in class (as fashion clothes might be);
- makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance;
- is regarded as suitable, and good value for money, by most parents and carers;
- has been designed with health and safety in mind
You can see our full School Uniform policy here.
Our uniform is as follows:
- Smart grey trousers or shorts with crease at front
- Smart grey skirt or culottes
- White shirt or blouse (not t-shirt or polo shirt)
- Red jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan
- Red tie (elasticated at KS1)
- Red and white checked summer dress
- Sensible black shoes, no boots or trainers
- Grey, white or red socks – ankle or below the knee
- Grey, white or red tights.
PE kit:
- White or black shorts
- White t-shirt
- Black plimsolls or black trainers
- Black or red tracksuit for cold weather
Swimming kit (summer term only)
- One piece swimming costume or swimming trunks (not baggy shorts)
- Towel
- Swimming hat (available from school office)
For Year 6 children, a Student Leader striped tie is available to purchase from the school. All of our Year 6 children become Student Leaders in September.
All children are required to wear a swimming cap when swimming to prevent damage to the pool filter. Caps are available from the school office.
Please label all items of clothing including hats and coats so that lost property can be returned to the owner.
The wearing of jewellery is not allowed for reasons of safety. If the children have pierced ears they must wear the smallest possible studs or sleepers and must be able to remove the earrings themselves for PE lessons. If the children are going to have their ears pierced, this should be done at the beginning of the summer holidays, allowing time for the children to adjust to putting in and taking out their own earrings.
We do not allow children to wear make-up, nail varnish, false eye lashes or other beauty aesthetics (other than a single pair of stud earrings) in school as we believe this is not appropriate in a primary school setting.
Children with long hair should keep it tied back off their faces during the day and ensure they have the means to secure it back for PE lessons. This also helps to cut down on the incidence of head lice being passed between children.
Children should not wear any wearable technology (such as watches) with camera, message or gaming capability.
Purchasing school uniform
School uniform items do not have to have a logo on them. However should parents wish to order items with the Home Farm logo, you can purchase them online through our supplier, School Trends.