All about us
Here at Home Farm we aim to support learners to meet life’s challenges and offer opportunities to develop potential:
- We provide a caring and secure environment.
- We encourage independence in thought and action so that learners develop self-confidence and self-esteem.
- We promote tolerance, empathy, trust and respect.
- We challenge our learners to learn, persevere, take risks and achieve and celebrate success.
The ethos of the school is based on mutual respect and consideration for others. Honesty and tolerance are valued and the children learn through example and discussion. Pupils at Home Farm also develop a sense of British values through their elected School and Eco Councils, with learning and discussion about a wide range of religions and beliefs, including the tolerance of others’ points of view. We also embrace the history of Britain, the freedom of speech and the role of British institutions such as the army and police in helping us in our lives.
Each teacher is responsible for the care and discipline of the children in their care. Positive behaviour is promoted through learning activities, weekly school council sessions, our Year 6 Peer Leaders and Anti-Bullying Ambassador and assemblies.
The children of Home Farm have written and work by the ‘Home Farm Citizens Charter’ – children strive to earn rewards through achievement and gain respect by earning house points and by being part of a ‘house’ team.
Home Farm works collaboratively to ensure all children are safe at all times. We follow a strict safeguarding policy.
Please take a look at our website to find out more about us.
The Alpha Trust
Home Farm Primary School is part of the Alpha Trust. The Trust believes that every child in its schools can achieve the highest academic standards whilst enjoying a vibrant, broad and balanced curriculum. We are committed to excellence in all that we do and are unashamedly ambitious for the future success of our students. You can find out more about the Trust on its website at www.alphamat.org
Alpha Trust annual report and accounts
Thinking BIG
The pupils at Home Farm wanted to explain in simple terms how we do this. Parents can find our policies and all the information they need on our website but we felt a message from the pupils of the school themselves would best explain how children at Home Farm grow into effective and confident learners.
As part of a whole school challenge, the children of the school wrote their school rules as part of their Citizen’s Charter and wanted to turn them into a motto that best described how we learn at Home Farm. Their rules, as decided upon by themselves are below.
Believe in ourselves to create the best work we can;
Inspire others to respect the school and everyone in it;
Grow our minds by taking responsibility for all that we do;
..in short, Home Farm adults and pupils this ‘BIG’.
BIG thinking will be part of every lesson, every piece of work marked and all discussions with pupils. Adults and pupils alike will encourage each other to Believe in themselves to overcome challenges, to Inspire others with their work and effort and Grow continually both in spirit and by becoming effective, confident lifelong learners.
What makes us UNIQUE?
What makes us proud about Home Farm? Huge amounts! But if you were to really push us to answer what made us unique, then we’d highlight the following:
We’re a listening school:
- The pupils have a strong voice and have control over much of what we do; our Eco Awards, our Citizen Awards, the school council report directly to the governing body to share their thoughts and views. The pupils’ voice is as strong as the adults’.
- We go above and beyond in our curriculum:
- We’ve utilised our outdoor woodland and community allotment to add to our topics and learning; Mr Setford helps to run special classes where we learn and understand new (and sometimes old) skills that we wouldn’t learn in a classroom!
- We love languages; we have a massive focus on learning new vocabulary across all our lessons but we also have a global view of learning: we learn French AND Italian! Even Reception classes go on ‘Wandering Wednesdays’ to other countries with their passports!
- If we can’t learn something in classrooms, we either get out of them or get something new in! We have regular project weeks where we use new skills or design, make and build things and sometimes we have visitors in to show us how ancient Vikings fought or how roundhouses were made.
We’re a learning school:
- Every year, the school staff learn more about teaching. New techniques or studies are published and our staff are research-led practitioners: from neuro-science and cognition through to emotional intelligence and questions skills, every member of staff continues their own learning journey so our pupils get the best of informed teaching practice.
We have passion:
- We have four key drivers: building Resilience, striving for Innovation, valuing Competition and loving the Environment. Home Farm supports and builds a holistic view of the world and life; not just excellent academic goals.