Duffy Class (Year 2)

Welcome to Duffy class – our teacher this year is Mrs Palmer and our Learning Support Assistant is Miss Copping. 

In Duffy, we create a positive and enjoyable environment in which the children feel happy to learn and feel confident to challenge themselves.

During year 2 we encourage children to work independently and cooperatively with each other. We support the children’s learning and development of skills through a range of teaching methods including whole class, group work, paired work and individual learning opportunities.

We learn through a variety of methods and where possible, the lessons are cross-curricular and practical.

Duffy class will be given extra responsibilities throughout the year to encourage them to develop confidence and independence, which will ensure they have a smooth transition into key stage 2. For example:

  • Taking the lead roles in the Christmas production
  • Choosing books independently

Please ensure children have removed earrings on PE days and they have BOTH indoor and outdoor kits in school every day.

We change our reading books twice a week.  The children can take two reading books at a time if they are ready to. They will also be able to choose a library book.

Home work will be set on Seesaw. 

Thank you for your continued support. 

Mrs Palmer